Chicory: A Colorful Tale | A Brief Review

Chicory: A Colorful Tale

This game is a perfect choice if you have interest towards art. In this game, you’ll play as the main character named after your (possibly) favorite dish, Chicory. The character that you played was a janitor who actually the current “wielder” of a magical brush. One day, all the color has been drained from the universe, then Chicory suddenly found the abandoned magical brush. You can pick up and use the wielder’s brush. Your protagonist then decided to use the gained ability from the brush to help others. This meant you can help them by decorating a donut or clearing a rockslide. A lot of people welcome your new ability, but some people just weren’t very excited. They think you did not deserve the power that you have.

BW Chicory world

Paint Anything, Anywhere

With the ability acquired from the brush, you can paint anything as you like in a black and white universe on this game. Every area provides a pallet of four colors to work with. You can paint everything, including furniture, characters, and even yourself. The brush can also be used to make a graffiti or paint your emotions. Here, you can just sit and paint the world as if you paint on that comforting coloring books. There are other practical reasons to paint as well. Every puzzle comes down with painting the right object in the right way. Collecting a new skills also matters, so it’ll help you to move to other places. On your way to the boss, you’d need to solve those puzzles. Quite similar to the Zelda formula, but there’s less emphasis on dungeons, and you gain your new skill after completing the section.

Draw yourself

Helping & Switching Information with NPCs

There’s some NPCs who you need to talk with to help them with their issues. You can start a convo with them, ask their perspective on arts, what appeals to them, what it means to them, and what they expect from you. So you can basically even take an art class. The tale develops organically during the critical path, which was a comfort. You’d never felt being pushed or held back, even if you were. Most of the times, it’s all just up to you.

The casts here are superb. You will meet with a lot of important and personal issues. Estranged friends, secret admirers, and dreamers. In some ways, it will remind you of EarthBound‘s dialogue, where paints a cheerful veneer over serious issues. You can help them with simply give them suggestions or advices. For example, you can help a single mother to admit the feeling that she has. When you persuade an artist to continue putting themselves out there, you are simply showing them the way.

Your protagonist even undergoes significant personal improvement somehow. At the beginning, he”ll excited for wielding the brush, but then got struck by doubts. The NPCs that help them only offer passive advice. But it truly feels as if the wielder couldn’t perform it without their help. It’s incredibly powerful and you can achieve it simply via creative and meaningful conversation.

Colored Chicory's world

Being Good Enough is Enough

So after all, Chicory: A Colorful Tale is definitely worth playing. The puzzles are simple, and there is no combat except from the boss fight (which it executed so well). However, it maintains a fast pace and an excellent range of situations. It frequently flips the script and introduces something new. You’d never found that the game too challenging or difficult, cause it seemed just perfect. Each victory will make you feel satisfied rather than empty

The painting mechanic is consistently satisfying and evolves throughout the game. Chicory does not expect you to be an artist simply because you are not one. The artwork is not really precise cause it assume that the player would use their mouse or joystick to play this game. So there’s no need to worry about. If you do your best, then the final art would look like the one that you imagined. This would be a worthwhile experience for everyone, especially if you didn’t consider yourself as a creative person. Here, there’s no the best or the worst. You can be just good enough, and that’s enough already.


Chicory: A Colorful Tale has the potential to hit hard. It’s possible that it will speak to you. It’ll cook you breakfast and leave you to clean up the mess. This game has bring profound impressions to people who already try this game. I am not exaggerating or using hyperbole. It’s a well-crafted experience with a great deal of heart. Chicory reminds you that it’s OK to not be the best. Fact is, do your best in each and every task is enough no matter the results is.

Check out more about the game here:

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